
Languedoc Coeur d’Hérault logoLanguedoc Coeur d’Hérault logo

Graphics standard of the V&D label

Charter and how to use the “Languedoc Coeur d’Hérault” communication tools

Communication kit!

If you would like to…

Take part in the procedure
Join the professional network
Apply to the Vignobles et Découvertes label…

Contact the Pays Coeur d’Hérault offices or one of the local tourist offices:
Pays Cœur d’Hérault - Mission tourisme : - 04 67 44 44 47
Office de Tourisme du Clermontais : - 04 67 96 23 86
Office de tourisme du Lodévois & Larzac : - 04 67 88 86 44
Office de Tourisme Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert - Vallée de l’Hérault : - 04 67 57 58 83

What are the requirements for participating?

In order to become part of the “Languedoc Coeur d’Hérault” network, actors need to meet and respect the criteria specific to each sector and which are inherent to the “Vignobles et Découvertes” label. These include:
For wineries and cooperatives: subscribe to a quality label such as “Bienvenue à la Ferme”, “Qualité Sud de France” etc. or be part of the Quality Tourism brand
For accommodation providers: be classified or subscribe to a quality procedure if not classified (e.g. bed and breakfasts)
For restaurants: propose a significant number of local wines on their wine list and a menu translated into a foreign language
For heritage sites: propose appropriate visits in at least one foreign language
For leisure activities: be able to speak at least one foreign language
The complete list of criteria by sector can be obtained from the Pays Coeur d’Hérault offices of local tourist offices.

Who are the actors concerned?

The collective approach led by the Pays Coeur d’Hérault associates all the players that participate in promoting the territory and allows a complete wine tourism package to be proposed. These include:

Wine cooperatives and private wineries

Restaurants and wine bars

Accommodation providers (hotels, gîtes, bed and breakfasts, campsites etc.)

Tourist offices

Heritage sites (cultural, natural, intangible, gastronomic etc.)

Leisure, sports, well-being, health activities

Wine tourism events

Susceptible agencies

And also locals, politicians, partners etc.

Participation in this approach is free and voluntary for professionals who wish to become partners. But they must commit to participating actively in the actions organized by their local network.

What is the label « Vignobles et Découvertes »?

The « Vignobles et Découvertes » label was created in 2009 and is granted for a 3-year period by Atout France, following recommendation by the Conseil Supérieur de l’Oenotourisme (Wine tourism advisory board). It is given to tourist and winemaking destinations that offer a range of tourist products that complement each other (accommodation, food, wine-tasting, museums, events etc.) and which allow visitors to organize their stay easily and be guided to qualified service providers.

The label “Vignobles et Découvertes” is a collective brand that is strictly regulated.

logo Vignobles et Découvertes
  • Pays Coeur d'Hérault
  • Conseil Départemental de l'Hérault
  • Hérault Tourisme
  • Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins du Languedoc
  • Office de Tourisme Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert Vallée de l'Hérault
  • Office de Tourisme du Lodévois & Larzac
  • Office de Tourisme du Clermontais
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